Adult Therapy in Franklin, MA: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive DisorderPeople who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to any degree, know what it is like to have their daily lives disrupted by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. It can seem like no matter what you do, you can’t get rid of those thoughts or behaviors. However, therapy services in Franklin, MA through Transitions Counseling Services can help. Skilled and compassionate counselors can provide treatment through various therapy programs to help you break free of your self-destructive behaviors and thoughts.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Well-known throughout the medical industry and among the general public simply as “OCD,” obsessive compulsive disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder which is marked by unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts and behaviors that become ritualized and repetitive. The person feels compelled to perform them, despite feeling distressed by them. If you are suffering from OCD, you probably recognize your own symptoms, but are still unable to break the pattern.

The symptoms of OCD can range from mild to severe, with some patients feeling compelled to repeat behaviors until the hurt themselves. These self-destructive behaviors must be stopped for the safety of the client. In some cases, such as compulsive hand-washing, the person could wash their hands repeatedly until they are raw. It is important to work with therapy services in Franklin, MA to understand as much as you can about OCD compulsions and obsessive thoughts in order to learn how to deal with them.

  • Compulsions – Actions, behaviors and rituals that a person feels compelled to repeat over and over and over again. In most cases, the person performs these behaviors as a means of attempting to make the obsessions go away. Unfortunately, they often make it worse.
  • Obsessions – Involuntary thoughts, impulses and ideas that repeat over and over and over again. The person does not want to have these thoughts or ideas, but is unable to stop them from happening. In many case, these obsessive thoughts can be extremely distracting and are often very disturbing.

Examples of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Behaviors
Because OCD is so well-known, people tend to place any habits or behaviors into this category without really obtaining a true diagnosis. The self-destructive behaviors of obsessive compulsive disorder are nothing to take lightly. If you feel that this disorder describes your thoughts and actions or the thoughts and actions of someone you love, it is important to get a true diagnosis and therapy right away.

Common categories that most people who have OCD fall under include:

  • checkers – a compulsion to check things repeatedly, such as making sure a door is locked or that an oven got turned off; associating these actions with a fear of impending doom, harm or danger
  • counters – an obsession with order and symmetry; common links to superstitions and compulsions about colors, numbers and arrangements of things
  • doubters – worries about things not being done perfect and what might happen as a result, such as a punishment or something terrible happening to others
  • hoarders – unhealthy fear that something bad will happen if things get thrown away; things are kept that are not used or needed as part of that fear
  • washers – people who have a fear of contamination; they are often obsessed with cleaning or have compulsions regarding hand-washing

The average person who has had obsessive thoughts or have performed repeated behaviors is not necessarily classified as OCD. For those who are diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, treatments are available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which can help them become aware of the danger that can come with their repeated self-destructive behaviors and obsessions in order to deal with the root issues. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very effective type of therapy that is designed to treat a number of depressive disorders, anxiety issues and other mood-related disorders.

Take Control of Your Life at Transitions Counseling
If you are dealing with an obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety issue or depressive disorder, contact our team of skilled and compassionate therapists at Transitions Counseling. We provide a wide range of therapy services in Franklin, MA, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), strength based therapy, solution based therapy and more, to provide our clients with a tailored approach to their unique situation. Give us a call at 781-742-4515 to request an appointment or to learn more about the professional services that we provide.